Hooray! Our pre-construction meeting is tomorrow. I just know the house is going to zoom together after this (fingers crossed).
They also regraded our lot, so the stakes are gone. The lot next to us is empty, and I'm very curious to see what that one will look like when it gets graded. Our home is a crawl, and the lot next to us is a basement, so I wonder how that will affect drainage and run-off. It seems like in our subdivision they make every backyard high in the middle and slope down on all sides. When you look in between houses, there is a small ditch in-between each one. I guess I expected it all to just be level and flat, so I was just curious if others have experienced this same thing. I would hope it would keep water out of the main part of your yard, but how does it affect the sides and back of your yard? Does everyone just have a moat around their house?
Any thoughts or experiences would be great to hear!